During the early evening, have a healthy and balanced dinner that contains items from each of the food groups: bread/cereals, fish/ chicken/meat, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Eat your meals slowly. Changes in your eating and sleeping habits can put the body under stress. Plan your schedule and meals ahead of time in order to …

During the early evening, have a healthy and balanced dinner that contains items from each of the food groups: bread/cereals, fish/ chicken/meat, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Eat your meals slowly.
Changes in your eating and sleeping habits can put the body under stress. Plan your schedule and meals ahead of time in order to make sure you get the necessary nutrients, hydration, and rest that your body needs.
Consume foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and protein, fruits or vegetables, and plenty of water. For example: an egg on whole-grain toast, a few crackers with peanut butter, some orange slices, and two glasses of water. Take care to include mineral rich foods such as banana, raisins, cheese, yoghurt, beans, spinach etc. in your diet
Different coloured vegetables and fruits will provide you with the phytonutrients and antioxidants necessary for your body’s protection against certain diseases, consume at least two servings during Iftar or Suhoor.
Serve a dessert of fresh fruit and nuts, instead of fatty chocolates and sweets.
Break your fast with dates and either milk or water. Continue with a light starter such as soup and crackers or a handful of oats. After a long period of fasting, you need to bring your fluids and blood sugar level up without overdoing it.
Take part in light exercise, such as walking for 15-20 minutes during the evening hours.
Wash your hands regularly. This is important to prevent the spread of viruses (such as seasonal flu and H1N1) and bacteria, which may cause illness.
Do not overeat, and be sure to drink a few more glasses of fluids. Water flushes out toxins from our body and prevents dehydration. Sip on water throughout the evening. Aim for 8 glasses by bedtime.
Fasting can often increase gastric acidity levels, leading to heaviness in the stomach, a burning sensation or a sour mouth. To avoid this, eat foods rich in fibre such as whole wheat bread or cereals with milk, beans, hommous, vegetables and fruit for Suhoor.
Do not overeat, and be sure to drink a few more glasses of fluids. Water flushes out toxins from our body and prevents dehydration. Sip on water throughout the evening. Aim for 8 glasses by bedtime.
Avoid fried and spicy foods as they may cause heartburn or indigestion and salty food too, as this can make you feel thirsty during long hours of fasting.