Experience farm-to-table dining with Silver Fern Farms 100% grass-fed meat

Sponsored: Silver Fern Farms, New Zealand’s leading procurer, processor, marketer and exporter of premium quality beef and lamb, promotes sustainable food for consumers with the help of passionate farmers and better animal welfare practices.

At Silver Fern Farms, animals are raised on clean air, pure water and lush, green pastures. The animals are raised in these environments, with access if needed to conserved forages like hay and silage. Since they wander and graze freely on grass, as they would in nature, meat is 100% grass-fed, boasting a tender texture and great flavour. This farming practice also reduces stress and promotes better animal welfare.

A grass-rich diet enables Silver Fern Farms animals to grow healthy and lean. As a result, the meat has a consistently delicious and distinctive taste – the mark of red meat as it naturally should be. Moreover, grass-fed products have a finer texture and are densely packed with nutrients.

Silver Fern Farms grass-fed meat contains high levels of conjugated linoleic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and a healthier omega 3 to 6 ratio. Moreover, the meat is an excellent source of highly digestible protein, rich in iron, zinc, selenium, taurine, carnitine, creatine, carnosine, vitamins D, B and B12. Another essential micronutrient present in grass-fed meat is Vitamin E which is vital to fight infections, protect cell health and strengthen the immune system.

Many of these nutrients are vital to the human body, especially during winter. Lack of Vitamin D is highly common during this time of year with the sun hardly making an appearance. The supplementation of it through grass-fed meat can help prevent deficiency.

Meanwhile, eating iron-rich grass-fed meat enables iron’s balance in the red blood cells to be maintained. This is significant as this mineral is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Additionally, Silver Fern Farm products are minimally processed with no added growth hormones or antibiotics, making it the perfect choice for those on keto and paleo diets.

Expertly vacuum-packed to preserve flavour and retain freshness, pick from an extensive variety of quality beef and lamb cuts. A selection of steaks, medallions, loin fillets, rump and stir-fry options are available for lamb. If you prefer to barbecue your meat, opt for the tender beef eye fillet steaks, medallions or flat-iron steaks. For quick lunches, try the juicy beef brisket with spice rub and ready stir-fry strips.

Find Silver Fern Farms products at Prime Gourmet, Carrefour, Lulu Hypermarkets, La Carne, Park N Shop and Kibsons. For more information, visit the website.