Mulled red: tips for making the best festive drinks in Dubai

Nothing says winter time like a warm spiced cup of mulled red, here’s our essential tips for making the best hot mulled grape beverages in Dubai…

Stick to a classic recipe

It’s best to start off with a classic recipe like this classic recipe or this delicious easy recipe. An easy tip for adding depth to the drink is to put the spices in the pan on a low heat with the liquid for 10-15 minutes. Then take the pan off the heat, and leave so the flavours build, gently reheat to serve. Do not boil the liquid, it will destroy the flavour and the structure of the drink.

Use muslin to avoid floating mess

As delicious as different spices can be, accidentally eating a floating cinnamon stick can drastically affect the flavour of your mulled red. Invest in some muslin and fine string, so you can make small pouches to put in the pan.

Add sugar sparingly

Too much sugar can destroy the taste of mulled red. Be sure to slowly add sugar to the mix. You can always add more, but be sure to add sparingly.

Get creative with spices

Think about the type of tastes you want to evoke. For a festive feel cinnamon, star anise, cloves and nutmeg are the best ones to add, along with zesty flavours. Be careful not to add too much star anise and cloves however, as the can overwhelm the drink.